Legal Issues for Minors and Adult “Children” with Disabilities
The Legal Rights of Adult Children with Disabilities: Part Two of a Five-Part Series
As I wrote in Part One of this series, (Guardianship of Property of Minor Children) determining what is best for a child, ensuring their happiness and protecting them when warranted can become a quagmire of issues when the child has a disability and even more complex when that “child” becomes an adult.
This blog series is written for people with disabilities, parents/family members of disabled children, family law lawyers, estate and capacity lawyers, and people acting as substitute decision makers under powers of attorney or guardianship judgments, to highlight some of the many issues that should be considered when the property and personal rights of a minor or adult disabled child are involved.
Amendments to the Ontario Children's Law Reform Act and the federal Divorce Act
Since I first wrote Part One, amendments were made to the Ontario Children’s Law Reform Act (CLRA) and the federal Divorce Act (DA). These amendments do not impact the main substance of what was dealt with in Part One, however, an important amendment should be noted in general before embarking on the rest of this series.
The term “custody and access” of minor children, in the context of a relationship breakdown of the child’s parents, is no longer used. Both the CLRA and the DA now use the term “decision-making responsibility”. The CLRA confirms that the parents of minor children, except as otherwise provided in that Act, are equally entitled to decision-making responsibility with respect to the child.
Separate and distinct from the guardianship of minors’ property provisions of the CLRA discussed in Part One, section 21 of the CLRA deals with decision-making responsibility of minor children and provides that:
21 (1) A parent of a child may apply to a court for a parenting order respecting,
(a) decision-making responsibility with respect to the child; and
(b) parenting time with respect to the child.
with respect to the child.
apply to a court for a contact order with respect to the child.
(4) An application under subsection (1) or (2) for a parenting order or subsection (3) for a contact order shall be accompanied by an affidavit, in the form specified for the purpose by the rules of court, of the person applying for the order, containing,
(a) the person’s proposed plan for the child’s care and upbringing;
(b) information respecting the person’s current or previous involvement in any family proceedings, including proceedings under Part V of the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017, or in any criminal proceedings; and
As the term “child” is currently defined, the provisions for decision-making responsibility of children under the CLRA only pertain to minor children. These types of orders are beyond the scope of this series and outside of my practice area. However, I have raised this here because this series deals with children with disabilities, both minor and adult children, and the legal rights and processes related to their decision-making.
The following blog will discuss the legal rights and processes related to decision-making for adult children with disabilities.
Decision-making for Adult Children with Disabilities
Presently, the CLRA does not include adult disabled children who are unable to withdraw from parental control in its definition of child for the purposes of orders regarding decision-making responsibility or orders for guardianship of minors’ property. However, the federal Divorce Act (“DA”) does include such adult children. The DA defines a “child of the marriage” as a child of two spouses or former spouses who:
(a) is under the age of majority and who has not withdrawn from their charge, or
Under the DA, divorced or divorcing parents may apply to the court for child support and parenting decision-making responsibility orders. This applies to all minor children who remain under the charge of one or both of the parents. An adult child with disabilities may also be under the authority of the DA with respect to support and decision-making responsibility if the child fits the above definition. However, the DA does not contain provision for the guardianship of property of a child of the marriage, nor does it pertain to children of common law spouses or children of parents who were never married to each other.
Importantly, the DA defines decision making responsibility of children in more detail than the CLRA as it provides the following definition:
Note that this list does not include decisions about the child’s property (i.e., finances). This list also does not include all personal care decision making categories, such as shelter (i.e., living arrangements), clothing, hygiene, nutrition, and safety. Despite this, in many cases, the property rights and all personal care decision-making categories of adult disabled children of divorced or divorcing parents have gotten scooped into the issues dealt with in the decision-making responsibility dispute, instead of being properly dealt with in an application for guardianship of property or guardianship of the person under the Substitute Decisions Act, 1992 (SDA).
Why does this matter?
As mentioned above, once a person reaches the age of majority, they are presumed capable of making decisions relating to their property and personal care. This presumption, and the corresponding rights, should not be undermined or disregarded, even in the context of a relationship breakdown of the parents and also where the parents remain together but are dealing with the challenging “cross-over period” between the child’s minority into adulthood.
In the next part of this series, I will discuss key elements of the SDA that are sometimes undermined or disregarded in cases involving adult children with disabilities.